Introduction: Beginner How to Make Spiral Headpins

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This instructable shows you how to make spiral headpins.


- 20 gauge wire

- chain nose pliers

- round nose pliers

- wire cutters

Step 1: Loose Spiral Headpins

Cut out a three-inch piece of 20 gauge wire.

Step 2: Bend

Bend the wire at the 1-inch point.

Step 3: Loop

Make a loop at the bend perpendicular to the shaft by putting your round nose pliers in bending the wire around that.

Step 4: Spiral

Keep spiraling until your have a loose spiral.

Step 5: Hammer and File

Hammer the end and file all sharp bits so that they don't scrape anyone.

Step 6: Tight Spiral Headpins

Cut a three-inch length of wire.

Step 7: Bend

Bend the wire at the one-inch point.

Step 8: Loop

Make a small loop similar to before at the bend, perpendicular to the shaft of the pin.

Step 9: Squish

Squish the loop down so it's as tight as possible.

Step 10: Spiral

Keep spiraling around so you get a tight spiral.

Step 11: File

File down any sharp bits so that they won't stick out.

Step 12: Triangular Spiral Headpins

Cut a three-inch length of wire. File the ends (if you file them first, it's a lot easier than filing them after they've been wrapped.)

Step 13: Bend

Bend the wire at the one-inch point.

Step 14: Loop

Make a loop at the bend.

Step 15: Bend

Bend the wire straight up at the bottom of the spiral.

Step 16: Bend

Bend the wire horizontally at the top of the spiral.

Step 17: Finished!

You're done! Here are the finished headpins.