Introduction: How to Wire Wrap a Flower Hairpin

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This tutorial shows you how to wire wrap a flower hairpin. This can also be made into a necklace, earrings, or a Christmas ornament using the post wires on the back.


-thick wire (16-20 gauge)

-thin wire (26-30 gauge)

-two different colors of beads or briolettes

-pencil and paper

-standard set of pliers

-plain bobby pin with ridges

Step 1: Post Wire

Cut off 2 feet of wire (I used 20 gauge) and measure 3/4 inch from the end.

Step 2: Bend

Bend into a right angle at the 3/4 inch mark. I will be calling the shorter end a post wire. If you are making an earring, this would be the earring post or you could also hang an ear hook from the top.

Step 3: Flower Design

Draw a flower design on your paper, using the bead/briolette's size as a reference for the size of the flower petals and leaves. I used 8*5mm rainbow moonstone beads for the leaves and 6*9mm fiery orange Czech glass beads for the petals, but you can use whatever size and color of beads you want.

Step 4: Wire Wrap a Design

Poke a hole at the place where all three flower petals connect, smush the post wire flat, and wire wrap with the other end, following the template.

Step 5: Changing the Design

I decided to change my design so the petals were in different places.

Step 6: Securing the Frame

Arrange the petals like so, then wrap the end of the long wire around the post wire to secure the petals.

Step 7: Final Design

This is the final design. I decided to wrap the end of the wire around the stem of the flower so that future wraps on the leaf wouldn't slip off. In the last photo I am measuring the flower against a bobby pin to see if it fits.

Step 8: Trim

Trim the end of the wire to be 1 1/2 inch so it doesn't get in the way.

Step 9: Wire Wrapping

Cut 2 feet of thin wire (I used 30 gauge). Post the thin wire through the bead or briolette you want to secure to the petals' frame and move the bead to the middle. Post the thin wire two more times through each side of the bead to hold it more tightly.

Step 10: Wire Wrapping Pt.2

Put the bead in the center of the petal you want to secure it to and make sure it is in the correct orientation. Using both ends of wire, secure the bead/briolette to both sides of the petal frame, crossing over the part of the bead with the hole several times. When you feel like the bead is as secure as you can make it, make sure the wire on the left has been wrapped around the left petal wire closest to the center of the flower and same for the right one. The wires should be as close as they can to the starting point for wrapping the other beads (for example, if your bead hole is going to be near the bottom, have the wires sticking out of the bottom of the petals).

Step 11: Wire Wrapping Pt.3

Secure the other beads to the petals in the same way you did the first one, crossing over the bead and wrapping around and through the petals, as if wrapping a briolette. To finish the wires off, wrap them five times around one wire, trim short, and use flat-nose pliers to cinch down the ends so they don't poke anybody.

Step 12: Wire Wrapping Pt.4

Do the same thing with the leaves of the flower.

Step 13: Final Design (all Beads Attached)

This is the final flower design, with all the beads attached. At this point, you can decide if you want your piece to be a necklace, earring, or hairpin. For an earring, you would trim on the of the post wires to make an earring post, or attach an ear hook to the top. For a necklace or hairpin, you would trim the post wires short and wrap the ends a few times around the stem/middle of the flower, tucking them away so they won't poke the skin. For a necklace, you would attach a large jump ring on top. Here, I will show you how to make this piece into a flower hairpin.

Step 14: Attach to Bobby Pin

I used a 1 1/2 foot long piece of 30 gauge wire to secure the flower to the bobby pin, wrapping it around the ridged side so the flower stem is parallel to the bobby pin. At the end of the bobby pin, I wrapped the thin wire around one side of the bobby pin five times and did the same for the other end of wire. You are done!