Introduction: How to Make a Rose From Airdry Dough
This is a model rose that one of our shop staff made for a display. We loved the way it came out, so decided to share the results. Apologies for a couple of blurred images, it was recorded on a phone, but I'm sure you'll get the gist.
Air Dough (CC50000), Masking tape (AT10007), Double ended carver (TC00027), Wire (SW40026), Wire cutters (TK20027) and Scissors (TK20022).
Finished off with green & red acrylic paint.
Step 1: Leaves and Stem
To make the leaves flatten out a small amount of Air Dough and cut out leaf shapes with a pair of scissors. Using a sculpting tool, score the veins of the leaf, then gently bend to shape.
Step 2: Leaves and Stem
Take a 120mm length of wire and bend a small loop at one end. Press the loop end gently into the back of the leaf, securing with a little more Air Dough. You will need 3 leaves in total.
Once the leaves are dry, hold the stems together and wrap with a little Masking Tape to secure them.
Cut 3 x 300mm lengths of wire using wire cutters and twist them together. Tuck the assembled leaf stem between the wires approximately half way up. Make a small loop into the top of the main stem. Lastly, use some more Air Dough to wrap all exposed wire.
Step 3: Rose Head
The rose head is made up of a number of open Air Dough petals wrapped around a central tightly rolled petal.
Step 4: Rose Head
As you build up the petals pinch the Air Dough together at the bottom.
Step 5: Making the Sepals
To make the sepals flatten out a piece of Air Dough and cut into a star shape. The star can then be wrapped to the bottom of the flower head. Pinch gently together and set aside.
Attach the stem to the flower head by pushing the end of the wire with the loop into the flower head. Gently pinch them together and set aside to dry. Once dry, best left overnight, the rose is ready for painting.