Introduction: How to Make an Awesome Design (Using Paint and Adobe Photoshop)

About: I am an aspiring artist
On this Instructable, I will be showing you how to draw an awesome design on Paint (or any other program that you use to draw on your computer), and Adobe Photoshop. I came up with this idea from a story I am writing. There was a certain design that I wanted to create and so I experimented until I got the technique that I wanted down pat. I have made about 25 of these and I will show you some at the end of this Instructable.

Step 1: The Basic Form

First, make a quick sketch of what you want your design to be like. For this, I drew a tree. But you can really make anything you'd like, an animal, scribbles, or whatever else you'd like.

Step 2: Adding a Gem or Two

I like to add gems to the design, it looks really cool.  First, make a circle in the middle of the design with the "circle" tool. You don't have to make a circle, you can use any shape you'd like. I chose the color red for a ruby. Next, fill that in with the same color. Now take the color that you are using and make it a slightly lighter color. Take the "curve" tool and make a curved line going from the top to the bottom of the shape. Do the same to the sides of the shape as shown in the picture. I like to have a few gems going around the main gem, so for diamonds (that is what I made anyways), take the shape that you want (I used a rounded rectangle) and put one on the top of you main gem. Next, take the "polygon" tool and go around making the same shape connecting to the first all around the main gem as shown in the picture.

Step 3: Selecting and Copying the Image

Next, select the entire design and copy it.

Step 4: Photoshop

If your Photoshop is not open, do so. Go to file, new, then Image from Clipboard. It should come up with the selected image from the program that you drew it on.

Step 5: Adding Affects

Now it is time to add the affects to your picture. All of the affects I used to demonstrate on this Instructable are optional. You can experiment with your own, but the effects I used were the effects I wanted for the desired look I wanted. First, go to your affects. Select "artistic". Then apply the "plastic wrap" effect. The great thing about Adobe Photoshop is that you can layer the affects. Now apply "neon glow" and "fresco". Now, select all of the picture (ctrl+a). Then click on "enhance", "color" and "variations".  Click on the color that you want the design to be, then either darken or lighten. I wanted mine to be red, so red and darken is what I used. Now chose under affects "render", "lighting affect" and then "lenses flare".

Step 6: You Are Done!

Now you are done! Take a step back and admire your work. Pat yourself on the back and enjoy!

Step 7: Additional Pictures

Here are some other pictures that I drew: