Introduction: How to Wrap Your Holiday Gifts Nicely

About: Hello, I'm Coolloom, and I love to make instructables. Please Visit, Comment and Like my instructables I visit everyday and post Instructables twice a month
Today I'm going to tell you how to wrap your presents nicely without ripping something or the other so let's go on

Step 1: What Do We Need

-Wrapping paper
-Your Gift

Step 2: Starting

So first measure your wrapping paper. On the wrapping paper measure your gift as mine is chocolates so to measure put it straight or diagonalily

Step 3: Wrapping

Turn over, and put your gift in the middle and fold it inward pic 1. On the bottom and push it in like pic 2,Be delicate.when you do it on the insides put a piece of tape,Do as pic 3 and put as much as tape you want for this part or the before one,Do same with the other side

Step 4: Done

We are done
Homemade Gifts Contest 2015

Participated in the
Homemade Gifts Contest 2015