Introduction: How to Draw Baymax

About: Disney - Marvel - Stranger Things

Learn how to draw Baymax!

Step 1: Drawing the Body of Baymax: Everything's Oval!

First start off by drawing Baymax's head which is a sideways oval. Then you will make his body which is a large oval going in a bit in the middle of both sides. His arms are like an oval (sort of) with fingers and draw his legs oval-ish.

Note: I always find it easier to draw very lightly and when I am happy with my drawing I then darken it. That way when you go over a line you can always erase it and it won't leave any marks!

Step 2: Adding the Details (Yay!)

Now that you finished the body we can start on the details! I started from head to foot so it's easier. I added his eyes first, it's just two dots and a line connecting them. I then did his 'heart' the place where he keeps his chips (not the food type). A circle with a line, I added a close up photo of it. Below his 'heart' is two side patches on his body beside his arms. There are patches on his arms and legs as well. Next I did the fingers, I cannot really explain how to draw it so you can just click on the picture and copy it =D After I finished all the details I shaded the patches because I saw that they were a bit darker than the rest of his body.

Step 3: Finished Baymax! (Hurray!)

And now you have finished your Baymax! You can sign your name on it, hang it on your wall or show it off to your friends! I hope you found this helpful :)