Introduction: How to Make a Mini Bottle Charm
I have always admired mini bottle charms and wanted to own one. So I ended up making my own little bottle charm.!
Here i used bottle of car's air freshener because I could not find mini bottles at any shop in my place. And it turned out super cute! ;)
Step 1: Get a Miniature Bottle.
Here I have used car air freshener's empty bottle. (Godrej aer car air freshener)
Step 2: Things You Will Need
- Miniature glass bottle.
- Glue
- Scissors
- Shells and some beads.
- Eye pin
- Coloured Thread
Step 3: Clean Your Bottle
Clean the bottle using soap and hot water and cut off the tube inside.
Step 4: Select the Items to Fill Your Bottle
Select the shells and the beads you want to fill your bottle with.
Step 5: Fill Your Bottle With Shells and Coloured Beads.
Step 6: Put Coloured Thread Around the Neck of Your Bottle.
First apply some glue and then put the thread around the neck of your bottle.
Step 7: Cover the Bottle With the Cap.
Step 8: Put Your Eye Pin.
If you have trouble putting the eye pin in then take a needle to make a small hole to make is easier. Glue the eye pin on with glue.