Introduction: How to Make a Super Banana Smoothie/milkshake

Hello everybody! Today on the menu is a really easy and tasty banana smoothie.
I really like fruit and one of my favorite ones is banana, so I enjoy it in very diferent ways and one is in a smoothie.

Let's start!

Step 1: Get Ready!

  - Bananas ( about 1 per person)
  - Milk ( about 250 ml per banana
  - Sugar ( optional
  - Cinnamon ( optional)

 - Knife
 - Food processor
 - Glass
 - Straws

Step 2: Start!

Start by cutting the banana into the food processor. Since my food processor has been destroyed recently I will have to use a hand blender. If you're in the same situation put the banana in a mkixing bowl. Add a spoon of sugar and if you like a pinch of cinnamon.n
Remember that you can can always add more in the end.
Add about a cup of milk.

Step 3: Blend It All!

After adding the milk you are ready to blend all this good ingredients.
Use the food processor or the hand blender

Step 4: Drink It!

Now you are ready to drink your delicious smoothie.
Transfer it to a glass, add two straws and sprinkle with cinnamon to decorate.
You can also add other things that you enjoy.
Leave a comment saying what you like to put in your smoothie!

 Go share it with your friends and be happy!