Introduction: How to Make an Origami Crane

Hello this is my firsrt instructable so go easy and please leave tips to help me improve my other instructables that i will most definitly make now on with the crane this is a simple but pleasing bit of origami.

Step 1: Step 1

start out with a square peice of paper or make one by folding a regular peice of paper to size like i did

Step 2: Step 2

fold the piece of paper in half diagonally, unfold

Step 3: Step 3

now fold it in half diagonally the opposite direction unfold

Step 4: Step 4

now fold it in half horizontally and unfold

Step 5: Step 5

now fold it in half horizontally in the opposite direction

Step 6: Step 6

now take one point of the square and fold it to another point it should fold nicely

Step 7: Step 7

now fold the opposite corner to the same bottom corner it should as well fold nicely

Step 8: Step 8

now fold both of the sides in, to form almost a kite shape

Step 9: Step 9

now filp it over and do the same as you did in step 8

Step 10: Step 10

now unfold the last 2 steps you did

Step 11: Step 11

now fold the top part down as shown in the picture

Step 12: Step 12

now lift the bottom corner upwards and fold along the crease lines and flatten to form a triangle do the same on the other side

Step 13: Step 13

now you should have on side with 2 loose pieces and on the top a solid piece fold the 2 loose pieces in towards the middle repeat on the other side

Step 14: Step 14

now fold it in half to look like the picture

Step 15: Step 15

now fold the bottem parts up to look like the picture

Step 16: Step 16

now unfold what you did in step 14

Step 17: Step 17

now fold the flat parts down on both sides

Step 18: Step 18

now fold the tip of one of the long skinny pieces down

Step 19: Step 19

congratulations you have now hopefully made yourself a origami crane adjust the tail and head as you like

Step 20: Step 20 (added)

The reason im adding this step is thanks to a comment i got which i belived improved the look of this project. now insted of folding the wings down in step 17 leave them up for a more original and authentic look thanks  irlolcopter but remember you can still fold down the wings if you like that.