Introduction: I Ship It: a Game of Romance and the Occasional Explosion

About: Why hello there, Web Traveler, I am Colin. This is my little section of the web, filled with unique and profound imaginations.I enjoy crafting board games, photography, and writing. Enjoy my page.

I don't know about you, but I love shipping. Shipping is the romantic pairing of different characters and celebrities. I spend my days reading about all the Destiel, Johnlock, Appledash, Crundee, and more. This game helps inspire stories of ships in a new way: a game. Read on to see how this works.

Step 1: Create Deck

I made some already, but also included some blank sheets to help you create a custom deck. The deck is color coded, as follows:

  • Light Pink: Characters
  • Dark Pink: Events
  • White: Things and Places

Step 2: Print and Cut

Print the cards out, and cut them out.

Step 3: Play!

Start by drawing two character cards. This will be the couple you will be writing or telling a story about. It is very possible that the two people will be in different works. If that's the case, create an explanation why they're together.

Then tell a story, drawing inspiration from the events or thing and events decks. The game ends when the story reached some sort of resolution, or when your run out of cards.

Graphic Design Contest

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Graphic Design Contest

Fandom Contest

Participated in the
Fandom Contest

Summer Fun Contest

Participated in the
Summer Fun Contest