Introduction: Iron Man Armor for My Little Brother
Step 1: Materials
A lot of cardboard,some Eva foam,red&gold spray paint,foam core,hot glue gun and sticks
Step 2: The Helmet
This is where I used the Eva foam,I used the foam for the face plate and the rest cardboard. I made templates of the helmet and then cut them out and glued them together
Step 3: Arms and Legs
For the arms and the legs I used cereal box cardboard. I first measured his arms and legs and then cut the pieces a little longer then they needed to be to I could overlap them together with the hot glue.and for the arms and legs cut half a circle for where the arms and legs bend and u can attach shoulder armor on the arms.For the boots I took one of my little brothers shoes and traced it on cardboard and then cut out some cardboard pieces that looked like the iron man boots
Step 4: Body and Belly
For the bely guard it's just one strip of cardboard going around his bely to his back with some velcro. For the chest I made a strip of cardboard go around his lower chest and then shoulder straps and then add a square to the front and back and then cut half of the chest and add velcro.
Step 5: The Final Product
The last thing to do is paint then u are all done.