Introduction: K'NEX Arsenal Shipka

About: I am a homeschooled kid from the U.S. My brother is The Red Book of Westmarch, and he helps me manage my page. My name is Latin for "Out of many, one" meaning that I like to take many K'NEX or LEGO pieces and …
Hey guys. Well, here's my Arsenal Shipka, an update of my brother's (The Red Book of Westmarch) version (see pic #6/or click link under the word "brother's"). He did the majority of the work, I finished it, and since he did not want to post it on his account, I decided to post it on mine.

Good range: 30 - 40 ft.
More accurate than his first version (thinner mag, 13 in. long, better sights, better barrel)
Has true trigger
Sights are not too bad
Not too piece consuming
Kinda hefty (this could be a pro or a con, but I like it, so I put it as a pro)

Range is not epic or anything
True trigger is kinda hard to pull
Pin pull is not epic (see pic #11)

Go ahead and tell me (and my bro) what you guys think of this gun overall.

-E Pluribus Unum