Introduction: K'NEX M6G PDWS Magnum

About: I am a homeschooled kid from the U.S. My brother is The Red Book of Westmarch, and he helps me manage my page. My name is Latin for "Out of many, one" meaning that I like to take many K'NEX or LEGO pieces and …
Hello again. This is a Halo M6G Magnum that I have been working on for quite some time. I built at least three different version, before I got to this one. Part of the reason why I started this build was because I noticed that BM2 had favorited ~KGB~'s Knex halo 1 magnum, and I thought that I might like to give one a try.

Using BM's Removable Grip Magazine Pistol, I slapped a M6G Magnum body onto it, modded, and modded, and modded some more, and this is what I came up with. In case you are wondering, the "PDWS" in the title stands for: "Personnel Defense Weapon System."

- 10 in. long body
- Good range: 30 - 50 ft.
- Removable magazine (see pic #8)
- Comfortable
- It is a good impression of the real thing
- Easy to use

Instructions will be posted, and I would greatly appreciate a vote in the contest. Also here is a link to Raz1r Knex Bull3t Halo Reach Magnum.


- E Pluribus Unum
Toy Rods and Connectors Contest

Participated in the
Toy Rods and Connectors Contest