Introduction: Knex Bass Drum Pedal Instructions

These are the instructions for my Knex Bass drum pedal that I created.

There have been some slight improvements on this that where not in the original

Step 1: Gather Pieces


Longest - 19

- 3

- 21

- 3

- 82

Shortest - 239

One cut to six blue spacers long


Black - 18

Yellow/White - 26+13

Green - 22

Red/Dark-gray - 26+10

Broken Red - 2

White - 18

Orange - 14

Light-gray/Purple - 4+1

3D Gray - 64

3D Blue - 16

Other Knex

Thin large wheel - 2

Thick large tyre - 1

Small wheel - 2

Small tyre - 2

Tan connector - 2

Blue connector - 3

Orange connector - 10

Black Y connector - 4

Black hinge connector - 2

Silver spacer - 15

Blue spacer - 13



Spring assembly for bass drum pedal:

  • Nut
  • Threaded rod with hole
  • Tension spring

Step 2: Base Part 1

  1. Make this part
  2. And this part
  3. Attach to the first part
  4. Collect these
  5. Make this
  6. And this
  7. Attach to first part
  8. Make another, make sure its a mirror of first one
  9. Aline the parts
  10. Insert
  11. Do the same on the other side

Step 3: Heel Plate

  1. Make these
  2. Attach the rods to the five parts
  3. Attach rod
  4. Put on the parts in this order
  5. What you should have

Step 4: Base Part 2

  1. Fill in the spaces
  2. And on the other side
  3. And here
  4. Make these
  5. Attach here
  6. Aline part
  7. Insert
  8. Do the same on the other side

Step 5: Pillar Left

  1. Make this
  2. Different angle
  3. Yet another angle
  4. Aline the part here...
  5. ... and here
  6. Attach here...
  7. ... and here
  8. What you should have

Step 6: Pillar Right

  1. Make this
  2. Different angle
  3. Yet another angle
  4. Aline the part here...
  5. ... and here
  6. Attach here...
  7. ... and here

Step 7: Base Part 3

  1. Make these
  2. Attach here
  3. and on the other side

Step 8: Foot Plate

  1. Make these...
  2. And four more, you should have five of each
  3. Attach 14 rods to a longer one
  4. Attach a smaller one
  5. Attach a longer one
  6. Attach a smaller one
  7. Attach a longer one
  8. Attach a smaller one
  9. Attach a longer one
  10. Attach a smaller one
  11. Attach a longer one
  12. Attach a smaller one
  13. Make this
  14. Attach to main part
  15. Get this
  16. Insert
  17. Attach
  18. Get these
  19. Insert and attach

Step 9: Linkage

  1. Make these
  2. Gather these
  3. Make this
  4. And another
  5. Attach them together
  6. Add the others
  7. Aline together
  8. Connect

Step 10: Axle Part 1

  1. Make this
  2. Add these
  3. And these
  4. And these
  5. And these
  6. Make these
  7. Attach to main part
  8. And again

Step 11: Beater Part 1

  1. Add this
  2. And this
  3. And this
  4. And this
  5. Make this
  6. Place here
  7. Make sure its alined, doesn't matter at the moment but will later on
  8. Make this
  9. Attach here

Step 12: Axle Part 2

  1. Make this, use cut down rod
  2. Add this
  3. Attach to main part

Step 13: Axle Part 3

  1. Brake as seen, right pillar
  2. Attach these
  3. Insert through the axle, make sure to have spacer in the middle
  4. Add spacer here
  5. And here
  6. And here
  7. Connect as shown

Step 14: Tensioning System

  1. Get this
  2. Attach to spring
  3. Move to hang inside the pillar, remove part
  4. Place connector as shown
  5. Thread on the nut
  6. Re-attach the part

Step 15: Beater Part 2

  1. Add this
  2. And these
  3. Attach this
  4. Add this
  5. And this