Introduction: Knex Bass Drum Pedal Instructions
These are the instructions for my Knex Bass drum pedal that I created.
There have been some slight improvements on this that where not in the original
Step 1: Gather Pieces
Longest - 19
- 3
- 21
- 3
- 82
Shortest - 239
One cut to six blue spacers long
Black - 18
Yellow/White - 26+13
Green - 22
Red/Dark-gray - 26+10
Broken Red - 2
White - 18
Orange - 14
Light-gray/Purple - 4+1
3D Gray - 64
3D Blue - 16
Other Knex
Thin large wheel - 2
Thick large tyre - 1
Small wheel - 2
Small tyre - 2
Tan connector - 2
Blue connector - 3
Orange connector - 10
Black Y connector - 4
Black hinge connector - 2
Silver spacer - 15
Blue spacer - 13
Spring assembly for bass drum pedal:
- Nut
- Threaded rod with hole
- Tension spring
Step 2: Base Part 1
- Make this part
- And this part
- Attach to the first part
- Collect these
- Make this
- And this
- Attach to first part
- Make another, make sure its a mirror of first one
- Aline the parts
- Insert
- Do the same on the other side
Step 3: Heel Plate
- Make these
- Attach the rods to the five parts
- Attach rod
- Put on the parts in this order
- What you should have
Step 4: Base Part 2
- Fill in the spaces
- And on the other side
- And here
- Make these
- Attach here
- Aline part
- Insert
- Do the same on the other side
Step 5: Pillar Left
- Make this
- Different angle
- Yet another angle
- Aline the part here...
- ... and here
- Attach here...
- ... and here
- What you should have
Step 6: Pillar Right
- Make this
- Different angle
- Yet another angle
- Aline the part here...
- ... and here
- Attach here...
- ... and here
Step 7: Base Part 3
- Make these
- Attach here
- and on the other side
Step 8: Foot Plate
- Make these...
- And four more, you should have five of each
- Attach 14 rods to a longer one
- Attach a smaller one
- Attach a longer one
- Attach a smaller one
- Attach a longer one
- Attach a smaller one
- Attach a longer one
- Attach a smaller one
- Attach a longer one
- Attach a smaller one
- Make this
- Attach to main part
- Get this
- Insert
- Attach
- Get these
- Insert and attach
Step 9: Linkage
- Make these
- Gather these
- Make this
- And another
- Attach them together
- Add the others
- Aline together
- Connect
Step 10: Axle Part 1
- Make this
- Add these
- And these
- And these
- And these
- Make these
- Attach to main part
- And again
Step 11: Beater Part 1
- Add this
- And this
- And this
- And this
- Make this
- Place here
- Make sure its alined, doesn't matter at the moment but will later on
- Make this
- Attach here
Step 12: Axle Part 2
- Make this, use cut down rod
- Add this
- Attach to main part
Step 13: Axle Part 3
- Brake as seen, right pillar
- Attach these
- Insert through the axle, make sure to have spacer in the middle
- Add spacer here
- And here
- And here
- Connect as shown
Step 14: Tensioning System
- Get this
- Attach to spring
- Move to hang inside the pillar, remove part
- Place connector as shown
- Thread on the nut
- Re-attach the part
Step 15: Beater Part 2
- Add this
- And these
- Attach this
- Add this
- And this