Introduction: K'nex Double Barrel Shotgun: M-37 Falcon

About: short, blonde Some of my favourite quotes: DJ Radio: and I wonder why the hell we have different languages, and not just one main language everyone speaks. From a HIGHER TIER GCSE Chemistry paper: Bromine…
I've been playing a fair bit of Mass Effect and the M-37 Falcon... lots of fun.  So, naturally, I made one.  I made it a shotgun rather than a grenade launcher because, let's face it, K'nex grenades are utterly useless.  It's still fun as hell to shoot.  As you can probably tell from the picture, I made a generic but very effective turret design, and threw pieces at it until it looked sort of like a Falcon.  No, it's not perfect, but it's a good middle ground between aesthetics and function.  It's nearly a metre long and weighs 3.5kg ( about 8 lbs).