Introduction: K'nex Double Fired Pistol.

About: My 3ds friend code is 0860-3914-2160 My 3ds xl friend code is 2294-3900-2732. If anyone has xbox live and playes gta 4, can we play together?
Hello, this is my K'nex pistol, it fires at least 2 bullets simultaneously and has a lot of power. I tried to make the gun more solid from its original form by reinforcing the parts around the trigger with orange ladder connectors and with the blue spacers. This gun and the identical pistol version, both fire 2 bullets and they both spin when they hit the end of the rail, causing more power to the bullet,(pictures will be clearer). This gun fires bullets up to 20 feet.


It fires multiple bullets.
The bullets spin when fired.
The gun is lightweight.
It can be moved easily when in battle.
The sights are very accurate.
Very strong.

Hurts if you get hit by it
It uses a lot of parts for its size.

Thanks for viewing, please check out my other instructables!! :)
Toy Rods and Connectors Contest

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Toy Rods and Connectors Contest