Introduction: Knex FULL-AUTO GLOCK 19!!!!!!!

About: Coming up with a new pistol soon... Stay tuned.

Phew, finally after 2 months of inactivity, I have finally mustered the time to post a few more ibles, one of which we will be reviewing today... (My 30th ible) The Full-Auto Glock 19!!! Yes full auto it is, coming with a mag, a functional slide, and some filters for the full auto to be slower and more accurate, not like a full auto shotgun which sprays the rounds in under 1 second. It has a more accurate trigger, only at looking though, and you can view the filtering in the top of the gun at the front (Pic 8). What's up with the slide is, when you want to shoot, you have to pull it back BUT KEEP IT THERE, ELSE IT WOULD BLOCK THE BULLETS! Another version of a simple block trigger, (Pic 5,6), with a nice handle and mag space, and extra comfortable trigger (In my opinion). To the mag, you have a nice ram which cannot fall out at any times, unless the mag itself falls out. Also it fits 7 rounds into it. At the back of the bottom of the gun is literally a filling which fills the empty parts where the mech is not functional (Pic 4). But, I'm sorry to say, this Glock 19 did not work when I tested it. I don't know what happens in that complicated body of the gun, but if I post the instructions, (which is basically impossible as I have totally forgotten it) someone could mod it to work.

To the comparisons of the Glock 19 and the Kronos, the Glock 19 is a little bit smaller than the Nerf® rival Kronos, with a straighter handle, a push trigger, (the Kronos has a slide trigger) and just a more Knex sort of look...

Now for the picture descriptions:

Pic 1: The gun, mag, and ammunition.

Pic 2: The Handle.

Pic 3: The Slide.

Pic 4: The bottom of the back section of the handle.

Pic 5: The trigger, (I tried to make it look like the lock trigger on a standard Glock).

Pic 6: The underside of the trigger mechanisms, the barrel.

Pic 7: The front of the barrel.

Pic 8: The bullet filter in the top of the barrel.

Pic 9: The back of the slide.

Pic 10: The gun compared with the Nerf® rival Kronos.

Overall, this gun may look average, with some interesting features, but the major letdown is the fact that it doesn't work. It was obviously supposed to, but due to unexpected faults it never worked.

Credit to myOmy for the design of the magazine.

Also before I post my next ible, I want you to join, create an account, race on it, and join my team:

If you've joined, it was a good time, as the new Summer Trails event has just started, giving the chance for you to earn epic cars such as Bozz Juic'd, Stingtec Thunderboat, Liberty Rescue, Hydrova Og, and more! Also trails, stickers, and cash are included in this epic event! (No sponsored)

Also I want you to join the game of, and join clan 4am on there also, and maybe even search in the krunker hub to follow me!

Be sure to view my next ible which is the runner up of my big bullpup that's coming soon....

If you have any comments, questions, or tips jot 'em down in the comments! Also please favorite this gun, please... Hopefully someone can try to invent a working full-auto gun that's not like a shotgun...
