Introduction: Knex Gun

About: I like nachoes and tacos. My friend has personal problems
An old gun that i never posted. I don't like it very much.
Everything is bad about it.
Small handle and weak frame.
Uses one cut piece. :(

Step 1: The Handle

The handle. Same as always.
1. The handle
2. Make
3. Make
4. Put step 3 onto step 2 as shown
5. Add the little one in the middle
6. Add the last side onto it. Don't forget tape
7. Done

Step 2: The Barrel

The barrel
1. The barrel
2.-6. Make
7.- 10. Put on as shown
11. Done

Step 3: The Trigger

Trigger. Easy peay
1. Trigger
2. Build form the pictures
3. Reffer to picture 1 for assembly.

Step 4: Assembly

1. Add the trigger
2. Cover it up
3.Put it on the gun
4. Ram
5. Put it in
6. Put a rubber band on the trigger
7. Put rubber bands onto the ram
8. Done