Introduction: K'nex Gun: Comeback
Heyo, so even though I've been active here I haven't been posting very many guns. So, I though I'd make up for it by posting this great new gun I've been working on called "Comeback"
I started on this gun by trying to modify the SMRI that Red and TD are working on, but I wasn't to fond of it. I'm not sure why though. Anyways, I started working on this brand new gun to show everyone that I'm still building. So without further ado, to the gun.
Gun Info:
I'd just like to start off by saying this gun was very out of my comfort zone because if its size, even though its not that big. But anyways, this was a very difficult to get to work, because of the bullet transfer system. What bullet transfer system you may ask? Is this just another stupid single shot guns Didexo? Well actually no, this has a horizontal mag under the barrel and it works great. I tried to get everything jammed into these gun to get it to work great. How 'bout them pro's and con's? [Ranges haven't been tested]
-Horizontal magazine
-Comfortable stock/handle
-Realistic sights
-Decent pin draw back
-Non-Band trigger
-Easy to use/load
-Overall it looks good? Wouldn't ya say?
-No broken pieces, that was a tough one
-Magazine only holds 3 blue rounds, but you could lengthen the barrel I guess
-Front grip is a little weak, easy fix though
-It's hard to fix, on the rare occasion is jams, you have to take off every layer
Well that just about sums it up for this gun, tell me what you think!
I started on this gun by trying to modify the SMRI that Red and TD are working on, but I wasn't to fond of it. I'm not sure why though. Anyways, I started working on this brand new gun to show everyone that I'm still building. So without further ado, to the gun.
Gun Info:
I'd just like to start off by saying this gun was very out of my comfort zone because if its size, even though its not that big. But anyways, this was a very difficult to get to work, because of the bullet transfer system. What bullet transfer system you may ask? Is this just another stupid single shot guns Didexo? Well actually no, this has a horizontal mag under the barrel and it works great. I tried to get everything jammed into these gun to get it to work great. How 'bout them pro's and con's? [Ranges haven't been tested]
-Horizontal magazine
-Comfortable stock/handle
-Realistic sights
-Decent pin draw back
-Non-Band trigger
-Easy to use/load
-Overall it looks good? Wouldn't ya say?
-No broken pieces, that was a tough one
-Magazine only holds 3 blue rounds, but you could lengthen the barrel I guess
-Front grip is a little weak, easy fix though
-It's hard to fix, on the rare occasion is jams, you have to take off every layer
Well that just about sums it up for this gun, tell me what you think!