Introduction: Knex Pistol UTKG (unique Trigger Knex Gun) With Mag and Unique Trigger

About: Retired from instructables now

Should I post instructions?

TRIGGER: put fingers on the white rod and pull towards handle

NOTE: bands are all not on
NOTE: I have made like ten of these pistols and have extremely modded versions this is just a base-It has a lot of room for modding so give credit where needed and post away

Step 1: Frame

Make this
Make frame part two times

Step 2: Internals Except Trigger

Add rails and mag parts

Step 3: Add Other Side of Frame

Just do it #nike

Step 4: Trigger

Trigger it's complicated
Make it then add connected chain and the other thing

Step 5: Handle

Make it.....

Step 6: Putting It Together

Add handle and trigger plus two white rods that I forgot to show

Mag pusher ammo and rammer just figure it out genius

Step 7: Now You Are Done

Mod and repost gun and trigger all you want just give me credit as appropriate