Introduction: Knex SP-8 Magnum

About: Hi. I've sold off about 99% of my k'nex, but I still come here to check in on instructables, every 2 weeks or so. I like seeing what's new in the k'nex, and also other sections. I may or may not post my K'nex…
This is the best pistol since the SP-6 Magnum.

High Power
Does Damage
Bigger mag over last SP- gun
High Range (for a pistol) 35-45 ft
Decent Fire Rate

Long Reload Time
A tad hard to load with that many elastics
Ammo was facing the wrong way in the pics (willl jam if put the way shown in pics)
Un-usual ammo type
The ammo will jam the gun if rapid-fired

This pistol is the best one so far, it outclasses the SP-6 all across the board even though it is 20% bigger.  

UPDATE: This gun sucks compared to my SP-51 Desert Eagle!!