Introduction: K'nex Shopping Trolley

About: Inactive user (currently) :p ============================================== 100th Comment - ~KGB~ 200th Comment - nerfrocketeer 300th Comment - DarkOwlKnex 400th Comment - The Red Book of Westmarch 500th…

Hello Viewers, and welcome to my final entry for the K'nexRods and Connectors Contest

Today I bring you my K’nex shopping trolley. It can hold quite a lot of weight without it collapsing and it can move! Instructions will be coming soon and I will be adding special additions to it also in the instructions such as a working toddler seat and bouquet stand.

I thought that if you are going shopping, go in style! I will start mass production soon :-)

Please give it a vote in the contest, If one person votes, it will make my day!

EDIT - The new pictures have been uploaded

Credit goes to nerfrocketeer for the idea (hey that rhymes!) and goldninjahalo and Cookie Monstar.

Toy Rods and Connectors Contest

Participated in the
Toy Rods and Connectors Contest