Introduction: K'nex Helicopter

About: Hello I am Devin, A.K.A Jingo69. I am a student, lover of cars, K'nex/Lego, and art. I mostly post K'nex car creations but plan to post other ideas in future too! …

This is my first knex gun-related model I chose to make instructions for this becuase I thought that more people would prefer this to my cars its got a lot of features like all my instructables models do :P, but even though they are this is definatly the one with the least features but it is a low peice taker, here is the information about it...

pro's 10

opening side doors with a rotating gun
seat for pilot (also rotating)
both rotor-blades are motorised
front escape door (if in emergancy pilot can quickly get out!)
trap/escape door in middle
2 stands on bottom
looks good
helicopter itself is durable
low peice taker

cons 1

stands aren't strong but the rest is.

These are the stats in relationto other vehicles I've built in the past. (Out of 5)

  • Durability ***
  • The looks ***'
  • Features ****
  • Build difficulty ***

Step 1: The Front End

1-6 please make, 1 and 2 same part different angles   3 and 4 same part    5 and 6 same part
 7-9 how to attach everything made so far
completed step 1! that was easy!

Step 2: The Middle Part of the Helicoptor

1 make this
2 also make this, and attach both using that orange rod
3 and 4 showing where to attach it
5 make this
6 same thing zoomed into white rod
7 make this
8 attach to white rod
9 and 10 make (both same part)
11 showing where to attach that
12-16 make, (14 - 16 same part)
17 and 18 same thing (the top rotor blade)
19-22 adding other peices and showing where to attach
23-26 overall model so far

Step 3: The Final Step!

1 and 2 please make (different parts)
3 showing where to attach them
4 and 5 make this (the same part)
6 is showing what you should have so far
7 and 8 showing how/where to attach this
9-11 please make (these are three angles of same thing)
12 and 13 showing how and where to attach
14-19 showing how to make back

Step 4: Well Done You Have Finished!!!!!!!

please rate, comment and tell me what you think and this can be seriosy modifyed so I will be looking forward to any mods that you think of!!!!!