Introduction: Knex Terminator, True Trigger 1st Gen.

About: My name's Ryan Roberts and I'm from rural southern Minnesota on a farm. I like to tinker around with electrical stuff and motorized equipment. I also enjoy building stuff.

This my knex assault rifle I built.

It is mostly my own design, although I would like to give credit to Jamalam, as he and I both coincidentally came up with the same slider mechanism shown on page 3.

It has what is referred to as a 'true trigger', by which I mean a trigger design which holds back the firing pin/bolt rather than blocking the ammo, which would pose a decrease in firing momentum. My design allows for momentum to build up in the firing pin before striking the ammo.

Quite a bit of trial and error put into the designing of this weapon.

Step 1: Barrel

Just build everything as shown, you need alot of gray/blue spacers.

Note: 3 little blue spacers = 1 bigger gray spacer.

Step 2: Handle/trigger Assembly.

It's a bit tricky, but I tried to make it as thorough as possible.

Sorry for any blurriness, I forgot to switch to the close-up focus feature for some of the photos.

Step 3: Firing Pin Construct

Build the firing pin.

Step 4: Clip/Magazine

Here you will make the magazine. Mind you, it's not exactly interchangeable.... yet.

Step 5: Stock

The last part is the stock.

Step 6: And That's It, Have Fun.

A few tips:

+When pulling back the firing pin to reload, do it quickly, as slow movement will sometimes cause it to jam up.

+Put no more than 6 or so blue rods in the mag at a time.

+You'll have to experiment with different rubberbands on the firing pin. I've found that two to three work best, but the size will matter too.