Introduction: LED Marshmallow Lamp

About: I am Nishant Chandna. I have started doing Instructables so that I could share my hobbies with the world. I hope you enjoy my projects.

Hi I am Nishant Chandna . We all know about the the current scenario. All the schools are shut we can't go out.... Instead of just wasting time I thought of making this Instructable. Since it is a speed challenge I thought of making a Marshmallow using some basic materials which are easily available at home. If you don't have the stuff I would recommend you not to go out, make it once the situation is normal..

Making this marshmallow lamp was quite fun and interesting.... watching it is also pretty cool.. I hope that you also make it with these easy steps so that you share the pics with your friends too..

As soon as you make this please comment down below and also add your picture in the ' I made it 'section

I hope you like it...

Step 1: Supplies

  1. A translucent mug or a container (I have used the body of an old speaker)

2. A black permanent marker

3. Multi coloured Led strip (if you have single coloured that is also fine)

4. 12 v Adaptor

5. Your creative hands and brain 😆😛

Step 2: Draw

Using your permanent marker draw the character you want... I have drawn marshmallow but its your wish to make it as creative as possible...

I have used a black bold marker and I would reccomend using that only because we require it to be bold and appealing. Moreover, draw as good as possible because it will make lamp more unique and beautiful

In the third image you can see how it looks.....

Step 3: Adding LED

Now its a really important but a fun thing to do all you need to do is to put your entire long led strip inside the container. You can do that any way you want.

Try to get a translucent container only this would help in enhancing the lighting effect

Step 4: Cap

Now you need to put the cap on the open end... Since I used an old bluetooth speaker I easily got the cap but you can also attach any cap on bottom you can also make it using card board of foam board.

Then colour the cap according to the colour combination, Since I used black and white colour I coloured it with black colour.

Step 5: Connect

Connect the led strip to the adaptor as shown in the images above...

My led strip is of 12 volt so I used a 12 volt adaptor...

Test it and if it works then your work is done....


Congratulations you are done now share the pics with your friends.. use this lamp in parties and occasions

Step 7:

Step 8: