Introduction: LEGO ITheatre

About: I'm mrballeng's son. I like spending time with my friends, playing on my iTouch, and building LEGOS. I also like to eat cheese rice and salmon. I post instructables under my Mom's account.
I made this LEGO iTheatre  so I can enjoy music and watch my favorite movies. I started with a cardboard version but I wanted to make it better. So, I made one out of LEGOs. My Dad showed me the LEGO contest so I decided to enter it. 

You can use it as a display for you favorite Mini Figures. The speaker fits right into it. When your not using the speaker, the iTheatre works as an amplifier. 

Step 1: Gather Your LEGO Pieces

Find a platform to build on. I'm using a platform from a space set. Measure your ipod using LEGOs. Grab enough so you can build a wall as wide as your platform and two brick rows taller than your ipod. At this point you can also decide which accessories to add on. I thought it would be good to use movie props. 

I use an old cookie sheet to keep all my pieces together. 

Step 2: Build the Walls

Build the back wall 16 layers high. Build the side walls 7 layers high. The side walls have a notch in the top layer to prop up your ipod. Make sure to interlink the bricks so it stays together better. I didn't interlink the walls because I wanted to take it apart for travel. 

Step 3: Build the Accessories

I found my accessories in my uncles garage. They were in an old plastic bag. I think they are from a LEGO movie set from the 1980's. To build the camera I put three circular 1x1's on. Then put a piece on the bottom so it could go on. 

The clapperboard snaps into another piece so it can go on to. 

Step 4: Put It All Together

I put 2 flat pieces on the top and another 2 in front on the bottom. This makes a ledge for mini figures on top and accessories on bottom. All that's left to do is choosing which mini figures to put on. 

The speaker fits in the bottom perfectly. 
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Epilog Challenge V

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