Introduction: Lady Gaga Shoulder Sculpture Costume

About: Former Instructables employee CHECK OUT MY WORK
Get the classic Lady Gaga look with this easy to make sculpture.  Wear one on your shoulder or across your body.  It is quick and easy costume to make and everyone will think you spent hours on it!

Check here to see how you can pair this look with a bodysuit.

Step 1: Gaining Inspiration

The body sculptures that Lady Gaga wears on her shoulders and around her waist are one of my favorite elements of her costumes.  She wears them with everything from a cute dress to a fitted body suit.

Step 2: Materials

1. White Poster Board
2. Tape
3. Hot Glue
4. Pencil
5. Spray Paint
6. Straight Edge
7. Needle and thread
8. Scissors

Step 3: Sketch Sculpture and Parts

Before you start building, take a few minutes to plan out how the sculpture will look.  The sculpture is composed of a bunch of 3D shapes.  Think about:
- Where each piece will be placed 
- How many piece you will need
- The shape and size of each piece

It helped me a lot to sketch 3D pictures of each piece first.  Make notes next to the sketch of how many cut outs you will need to make that piece and what the size of the cut outs will be.

Step 4: Cut Out Pieces

Use a straight edge and a pencil to draw the individual pieces that will make up the 3D shapes.

As you can see in this image I cut out 5 pieces.  This will make the pyramid that you saw in the sketch on the previous step.

Step 5: Tape or Glue Together

I found it easiest to tape the cut outs together rather than gluing.  Don't worry about the tape showing, I use spray paint in the next step to cover it up!

Build the individual 3D shapes first.  Check out the pictures to see how I placed the pieces together.  It is pretty self explanatory. Place the cardboard cut outs edge to edge and tape them together.

Build the entire sculpture.  Use a hot glue gun to attach the individual 3D shapes together.  I did this in front of a mirror to make sure the sculpture formed correctly.

Step 6: Spray Paint

Spray paint the sculpture so you can't see any of the glue or tape.  Lady Gaga wears many different colored sculptures so can make the sculpture what ever color you want in this step.

Step 7: Attach to Garment

Use a curved needle and thread to attach the sculpture to the body suit.  You may even need to glue the sculpture to the outfit as well.