Introduction: Laser Engraved Christmas Postcard

A fun keepsake Christmas card.

Step 1: Supplies Needed

1/8" plywood (or any thin wood)

Computer design program - I used Photoshop Elements 15


Laser Printer - I have a Full Spectrum Hobby Series



Step 2: Design Image

Design your card, front and back in your favorite design program.

Step 3: Prepare for Engraving

Send your images to Inkscape to prepare (turn into a BMP) for engraving.

Step 4: Engrave

Laser engrave the front and back of your card.

Step 5: Prepare to Mail

Lightly sand if necessary, oil. I took my cards to the post office (they need to be hand stamped) and was able to mail them for $.71 each.

Step 6: Christmas Keepsake

Once your recipients receive their card they now have a keepsake to bring out every year! The compliments are fun too.

Holiday Decor

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Holiday Decor