Introduction: Leaf Bag Holder

so every fall i have this little big issue when to come to rake my leaf, when it time to bag them most of the time my kids and running away to not help me so i came up with this idea. a leaf bag holder so when you bagging the leaf it wont tip over or have them actually put them inside. you can glue them is all up to you. Now i didn't make another T connector with 2 o 3 inches on each side on the bottom for balance because when the bag is full and i'm trying to take out the holder it will bring some sticks and leaf with it.

Material you need

pvc pipes

(1) 30 1\2 inch

(1) T connector

(2) 7 inch

(2) 10 1\4 inch

(2) elbow connector

pipe cutter or saw

measure tape


Step 1:

Follow the picture i think is self explanatory

Step 2:

add the 30 1\2 inch pipe to the t connector and you done

Step 3:

Happy picking or raking

Beyond the Comfort Zone Contest

Participated in the
Beyond the Comfort Zone Contest

Outside Contest 2016

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Outside Contest 2016

Outdoor Structures Contest

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Outdoor Structures Contest