Introduction: Lute KINDER JOY Between “Sustainability and Cultural Heritage”

About: Khaled Elnems is an (Q.C. & CAD Tech.) born & based in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. with experience Over 15 years working with International Consultants under Municipalities in the field of Construction/ O&M …

Sustainable development—meeting the world’s current needs by using what we already have, so that we’re not compromising the resources of future generations—has important implications for our environmental, economic, and social well-being.

Heritage conservation has demonstrated the significant role it plays in sustaining local communities: not only reinforcing local identity, traditions, and practices, but also bringing economic benefits through well-managed tourism.

Unfortunately, the important role that heritage conservation can play in meeting the aims of environmental sustainability hasn’t yet been well recognized. In some cases, this has led to unnecessary conflicts between heritage conservation efforts and environmental concerns.

About that for Heritage Revival during Sustainability roles we propose KINDER JOY TOYs relation to the our Arab culture and region (Specifically Gulf Area)

Here for Sustainability: we use the Cover of toys for KINDER JOY also use chocolate spoon for KINDER JOY and for Cultural Heritage: Revival relation to the our Arab culture and region by old Arabic plucked stringed instrument

Lute: is An Arabic plucked stringed instrument with a long neck bearing frets and a rounded body with a flat front, rather like a halved egg in shape.

· Use chocolate spoon for KINDER JOY to play in stringed of Lute

· Use the Cover of toys for KINDER JOY for body of Lute because it is like a halved egg in shape

Additional: we put Draft deign for (Clipper) relation to the our Arab culture and region (Specifically Gulf Area)

Step 1: How to Do It

Here for Sustainability: we use the Cover of toys for KINDER JOY also use chocolate spoon for KINDER JOY and for Cultural Heritage: Revival relation to the our Arab culture and region by old Arabic plucked stringed instrument

Lute: is An Arabic plucked stringed instrument with a long neck bearing frets and a rounded body with a flat front, rather like a halved egg in shape.

· Use chocolate spoon for KINDER JOY to play in stringed of Lute

· Use the Cover of toys for KINDER JOY for body of Lute because it is like a halved egg in shape

Step 2: Play Music With Lute KINDER JOY

Step 3: Another Deign for (Clipper) KINDER JOY TOYs

About that for Heritage Revival during Sustainability

roles we propose deign for (Clipper) KINDER JOY TOYs relation to the our Arab culture and region (Specifically Gulf Area)

Additional: we put Draft deign for (Clipper) relation to the our Arab culture and region (Specifically Gulf Area)

Step 4: Background & Information