Introduction: Machine Gun That Shoots Burning Arrows in Minecraft

for protecting yourself in Minecraft.


Redstone dust (Redstone)

Redstone torch

A block of your choice



Flint and steel

Step 1: Redstone

Place five Redstone dust next to each other,than place a lever on either side of the Redstone.

Step 2: Dispenser

place a dispenser on the other side of the lever and the Redstone as shown in the picture. The dispenser has to face the other side of the Redstone.

Step 3: A Block of Your Choice

place any block you want next to the Redstone in the the middle of the five pieces of Redstone.

Step 4: Almost Done ✅

place Redstone on top of the block in the middle of the five pieces of Redstone.

Step 5: Arrows

click on the dispenser then put one flint and steel in the dispenser and and fill the rest of the boxes with arrows.

Step 6: End

click on the lever, the dispenser will start shooting arrows on fire 🔥 really fast, you can use this to protect yourself from monsters in Minecraft.

you can put it front of your house 🏠 if you want.

Step 7: Finish!

You are finished with your machine gun in Minecraft!