Introduction: Magnet Rings From Ringpops

About: Professionally I have been a summer camp counselor, a Draftsman/designer, salesperson, bicycle mechanic, laminate flooring machine mechanic, teacher, and designer of the OP Loftbed. Personally I am a human tha…

I have seen different magnet rings. Some for magic, some for therapy, and some to help hold stuff.

I saw Kiteman's Instructable:

and Noodleworks' to hold leather sewing needles:

I thought an easy way to make a magnet ring would be glue some magnets on the ring of a ringpop.

Since making this and a LED throwie I found that the ring makes a great way to carry it:

Step 1: Tools and Supplies

The tools I used were some diagonal cutters:

And some sandpaper. I think it was 220 grit.

You could use any strong glue. I used a plastic welding kit:

The materials needed are:

Ringpops: I got a four pack at the dollar store.

The magnets: I used six of the 12mm diameter ones on one ring, two of the 15mm diameter on one ring, and another 15mm diameter one on the last ring. The other sizes can be used in other projects.

Step 2: Get Rid of the Candy

The kids were more than happy to do this job. They were a bit confused as to why I wanted the plastic rings, after the candy was done.

Step 3: Cut Off the Post

Use the diagonal cutters to cut the post off the top of the ring. If you had a magnet with a hole in the middle, this might help anchor the magnet, but for the flat magnets I was using, it would just get in the way.

Step 4: Sanding

I held the sandpaper flat on the table and rubbed the top of the ring on the sandpaper. You are wanting to smooth out the center post and give the top of the ring a rough surface for the glue to hold too.

Step 5: Glue on the Magnets

I used my multitool as a base to hold the ring top flat. Once the magnets were in place, I used the Bondic to glue the magnets to the top of the ring. The Bondic works best if you apply thin layers between the ultra violet curing. It cures clear and can be sanded.

Step 6: Enjoy

Now you have a magnet ring to help hold stuff. Screws, nails, needles, LEDs, or whatever other ferrous materials you want to hold. It is pretty "handy".

Step 7: Alternative Shapes and Sizes

I made some alternative shape and size magnet rings. I traced out the magnet. I then used the diagonal cutters to cut the ring top a little bit larger than the magnet. Sanded the edges smooth. And then glued the magnet on. I found that the smaller size was a bit better than the large one I made first.

Step 8: Video

As usual, I made a video.

Thank you for watching.