Introduction: Magnetic Soldering Aid

About: Retired to age but still working. I work a lot with technical constructions and manufacturing for my own part and for the school. Everything from furniture to machine parts. Has a workshop with among others CN…

Magnetic soldering aid.

Tools for holding together steel wires during soldering. Mainly intended to be used in the construction of ball tracks. Ø1.5 - Ø3 mm. The parts are glued with epoxy adhesive or soldered together. A hole should be threaded M3.

The magnets should be facing North towards the south.With the screw you set a distance which is the sum of the two threads diameter.The wires are magnetized North and South respectively and are drawn to each other.


Magnetisk Lödhjälp.
Verktyg för att hålla samman ståltrådar vid lödning. Främst tänkt att användas vid konstruktion av kulbanor. Ø1,5 - Ø3 mm. Delarna limmas med epoxilim respektive löds samman. Ett hål ska gängas M3.

Magneterna ska vara vända Norr mot Söder. Med skruven ställer man in ett avstånd som är summan av de två trådarnas diameter. Trådarna magnetiseras Norr respektive Söder och dras till varandra.

Step 1: Magnetic Soldering Aid

Step 2: Magnetic Soldering Aid

Step 3: Magnetic Soldering Aid

Step 4: Magnetic Soldering Aid. Instructions.

Step 5: Magnetic Soldering Aid. Parts.

In addition to these parts, you need epoxy adhesive, the ability to solder and to thread an M3 hole.


Utöver dessa delar så behöver du epoxylim, möjlighet att löda och att gänga ett M3-hål.

Step 6: Magnetic Soldering. Drawing.

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