Introduction: Making Jump Rings With Knitting Needles
I wanted to make jump rings the other day and I had wire, but I wasn't sure what to wrap it around to make them. You can really use any object that is round, but if you want a specific size or many in a specific size, you need to be more picky about what you use. I was looking around and saw my knitting needles, and thought duh. These are a specific size, they are long (you can make a lot of jump rings at once), and they are easy to hold. They work great for making a bunch of jump rings in a single, specific size at one time.
Instructable 308
Step 1: Supplies
Pretty self-explanatory, but you need:
- the wire you want to use to make jump rings
- knitting needles
- something to cut the wire, I'm using wire cutters, if your wire is thicker, you might need something stronger
Also, it can help if you have something to hold the wire to the knitting needle. I used the leather thimble I made ages ago.
Step 2: Start Wrapping
Start by holding the wire against the knitting needle. Using something like a leather thimble to hold the end in place is important, otherwise, it's just going to slip and go round and round while you try to wrap.
So, hold the wire in place, and carefully start wrapping your wire round and round until you have about as many jump rings as you want.
I tried to end on the same side as the wire started to avoid waste.
Since I am using a leather thimble, it was pretty easy to hold the wire to the knitting needle, but if you don't have a thimble, it can help to have the beginning of the wire stick out from the needle more so you can hold it to hold the wire in place as you wrap it.
Step 3: Cut
Take the spring you've created off the knitting needle.
Carefully cut going up the side making sure to cut straight and that they are all complete circles.
That's it! They are ready to use.