Introduction: Marbled Bangle

About: I am really into creating. I don't stick to one specific "genre" when it comes to creating. So I do whatever I feel like, and if it turns out nifty, I share it!
Have I mentioned before that I love bangles and polymer clay? This is the third bangle I had made with my little clay experiment. I really like the marbleized look that occurs when you do this.

What You Need:
Polymer Clay (preferably 3 contrasting colors)

Step 1:

As you can see I took a thin roll of gold, brown and green. The two toned gold & brown one is made by twisting the two thin rolls together.

Lay them next to each other and gently roll it out a little. Then fold it up, twist it a few times and roll it back out. Keep doing this until you end up with a marbleized pattern that you like.

Careful though, too much folding and twisting can blend them all together too much!

Step 2:

Once you get a marbleized look that you like, roll it out somewhat thin. Then wrap it around the bangle.

Step 3:

This step is optional.

Roll out a thin roll of one color and spiral wrap it around the bangle.

Step 4:

Then bake it for the amount of time that it says on the package of clay. Easy peasy! The above picture is the finished project with two other bracelets I did.

And as always, don't forget to check out my blog!