Introduction: Mario & Buddies

About: I'm pretty much a scrapper when it comes to my projects. I like to use what ever I have lying around the house.
Modeling Clay
Hobby Knife

I was bored one day so I decided to make something. This is my version of Mario and some of the other characters. I formed the hands, body, shoes, and head separately for Mario. Then I stuck it all together by putting pieces of toothpicks between the parts. I used a knife to put details on the face and clothing. For the green shell I Made a oval of green and put a peach color underneath it. I put some dark brown for the holes and lined the shell with a strip of white clay. For the Bob-omb I made the feet, body, and burning string on top separate and connected them with pieces of toothpicks.
Colors of the Rainbow Contest

Participated in the
Colors of the Rainbow Contest

Comic Contest

Participated in the
Comic Contest