Introduction: Minecraft - the Longhouse

About: Minecraft is my medium. Blocks are my tools, and..well thats about it really. Consider me a virtual Minecraft Architect, but otherwise I am but a humble creative freelancer outside the realms of the internet…
Back Again!

With the world under lockdown, we are living in unprecedented times. And with the outside world in all it’s splendour is unavailable to us, what is there to do?

So happens the chance I pick up pocket edition for the 3rd time (my prior phone was broken and subsequently sold) and I get carried away after being away from building on this awesome tool for mobile engineering.

And so I present to you, the Longhouse. Not necessarily a castle, not necessarily a barn; a bit of both. Given the free time I was blessed with, Ive found myself getting to the TV Show Vikings, so thus the idea was born for a bit of old school medieval architecture. And when I say carried away, this baby was built in 3 days! From foundation to publication took just three days... and now I give to you the method and supplies needed to flaunt your raids for your valiant tribe.


For the Building itself:
Dark Oak blocks, Dark Oak Stairs, Stripped Logs, Stone Bricks, Stone Brick Stairs, Spruce Blocks, Spruce Stairs, Spruce Fences, Dark Oak Hatch, Netherrack.

For the Bells and Whistles:
Lanterns, Green Striped flags, Orange Wool, White Wool, Bookshelf, Armour stands, Cartography Table.

Step 1: Foundation

Step 2: Ground Floor

Step 3: Roof

Step 4: Second Floor & Sidewalk

Step 5: Second Floor Interior

Step 6:

Step 7: The Longhouse - Design & Concept:

The Longhouse was the house of the chief and the town hall for a tribe/village.

So it could be as extravagant and as simple as you need it to be. I based my idea around the larger compounds like those littered around the Nordic expanses of Skyrim, with the raised roof and multiple levels.

The lack of extensive stonework was due to it being a building built over time, with varying degrees of woodwork and lack of masonry over the years. Thatched roofs and palisade walls were not uncommon for strongholds and fortresses of the age. The lack of furniture inside was due to the desire to keep it an open hall, for the village to cram around the edges and the floor, hence the stairs around the edge of the floor.

This Longhouse’s second floor includes a hidden private prayer room and a large balcony intended only for the chief. Again, kept simple and free of particular decadence, given the villages simplicity. Overall I enjoyed building this; hopefully you can access it via the pocket editions Visitor’s feature.

I might add to this over the lockdown, or might build something else entirely. Watch this space...

Good to be Back; keep building.