Introduction: Mini Aussie Meat Pies

Living overseas means that there are a number of things from home that are greatly missed. Favourite foods being high on the list. This recipe reminds me so much of cold winter days in Melbourne, watching the footy on the tv and wrapping up against the cold weather.

Hope you enjoy them as much as my family and I do. They are easy to make and taste just like you remember a good Aussie meat pie should.

Step 1: Ingredients

1 onion

500 g beef mince

1 cup water

2 beef stock cubes

1/4 cup tomato sauce

2 tsp Worcestershire sauce

1 pinch salt

1 pinch pepper

3 tbs plain flour

2 sheets shortcrust pastry

1 tbs oil

1 egg

Step 2: Equipment

1 x 12 hole muffin pan (1/3 cup capacity)

Round Cookie cutters - Large 9.5 cm, Small 6.5 cm

Step 3: Prepare Ingredients

Dice onion.

Measure sauces.

Step 4: Meat Filling

Add oil to frying pan.

Cook onions on medium heat, until soft.

Step 5:

Add beef mince.

Cook until meat is well browned.

Step 6:

Add 3/4 of the water, stock cubes, tomato sauce, Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. Stir through beef mixture.

Bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes.

Step 7:

Stir the flour through the meat mixture. Add the remaining water and bring to the boil.

Simmer for 5 minutes.

Leave to cool.

(I keep mine in he fridge overnight)

Step 8: Pastry

Defrost pastry and unroll on to chopping board.

Cut out 12 bases with the larger cookie cutter.

Grease muffin pan.

Line with pastry bases.

(Use your knuckles to push the pastry gently into the bottom of the pan)

Step 9:

Fill pastry cases with cooled meat mixture.

(With 2 sheets of pastry you should make 12 mini pies)

Step 10:

Moisten the edges of each pie with water.

Place lids on top. Press the edges together with a fork.

Use the fork to make steam holes in each lid.

Step 11:

Beat egg in a cup.

Glaze pies.

Step 12:

Bake at 230C for 10 minutes.

Reduce heat to 190C bake for a further 15 minutes or until golden.

Allow to cool.

Step 13:

Serve with a large dollop of your favourite tomato sauce.

Pie Contest

Participated in the
Pie Contest