Introduction: Mini Skee-Ball
I made my Mini Skee-Ball board in Tinkercad, and it can be found here to download:
You can even tinker with it more to make it different if you want!
It will take a while to print, as my printer took about 7 hours with 33% infill.
You will need some marbles and a rubber band.
Some color permanent markers if you want to decorate your print with different colors, point values, etc.
Access to a 3-D printer that has a print area of greater than 7 inches by 7 inches by 5 inches tall.
PLA any color and the size that fits your 3D printer
Rubber bands
Card stock paper
Hole punch
Permanent markers
Step 1: PRINT Skee-Ball Board
Enable support when you are setting up your print.
Infill density less than 40%
Infill pattern Honey comb
Step 2: Remove the Supports and Color If You Desire!
Carefully pry off the supports and clean off any loose plastic, strains or goobers.
I took permanent markers and added some color to my Mini Skee-Ball! Add what ever you like to YOUR design...(I also put the date of my print and my name to the bottom of the play field).
One thing I do recommend... and is seen in my play video... I took some paper and a hole punch and I made a net to keep the marble from flying off the play field... it works much better and I just used some tape to tape it on.
I added a sketch of the net and a photo. But you can make it any style you like!
Step 3: Play Time!
The rubber band across the post help position the ball and then you are able to flick the marble!
I didn't add any score or point marks because that is the fun of your own design, but if you must have a scoring pattern you could do something like...One point for the bottom, 2 points for the left or right, and the top ring can get you 4 Points!
But as I said before ... You can make it whatever you like...
In my game...The marble is shot 3 times and whatever your marble lands in you add up those point! Or play however you want to play with your friends... but practice is a must... the rubber band helps hold the marble.
I added a video of some play action.
Step 4: Modifications
You might want to change the angle of the play board, you might what holes that will collect all the marbles, you might want a larger play surface... the design is up to you!
What I designed would fit on my printer and for a marble flicking game, it is fun for me!
Have fun, enjoy the game if you do print it... I would love to hear about any changes, modifications or how you made your mini Skee ball yours! Please leave a comment!