Introduction: Mini Pencil

About: My name is Carolina Hunrichse, i'm an art teacher, and also make paper mache
This is a mini pencil that works. Its made of a toothpick and a 0.7 lead.

you'll need:
- toothpicks
- pin
- lead
- cutter

Step 1: First Step

Take one toothpick and cut both ends with the cutter-knife.
Be careful!

Step 2: Step Two

put the toothpick on a flat surface  and cut it along

Step 3: Step Three

With the cutter-knife and the pin, carve the center. (here will be the 0.7 lead) 
be very patient... and smile as you do it.

Step 4: Step Four

once the draft is the center of the pen, enter the 0.7 lead and paste it with glue.
you must have a very firm hand. cut the excess of lead.

Step 5: Sharping the Pencil

Sharp the tip of your pencil with the cutter-knife.
See if it writes and paint it yellow.
you can sand the end for a better look.