Introduction: Miniature Dining Table and Chairs

These miniature table and chairs are the first addition to my cardboard built miniature house! These table and chairs may suit more for an outdoor picnic table or can be made to feel indoors with the addition of a table cloth

Step 1: Equipment:

- Wooden sticks of various sizes (regular pop-sickle sticks, Jumbo pop-sickle sticks, coffee stirrers, match sticks)

- Craft glue

- PVA glue

- Ruler

- Paint brush

- Sponge

- Acrylic paint

- Scissors

- Fabric

- Sewing needle & thread

- Cardboard

Step 2: Making the Table:

1. Cut 3x Jumbo pop-sickle sticks of length 10cm (make it bigger or smaller depending on the size of the room it's placed in)

2. Sand the edges to smooth (edges can be shaped to preference by sanding as well)

2. Glue the 3 sticks side-by-side using PVA wood glue (or any other fast-drying glue)

3. Cut a piece of cardboard measuring 10x5cm (the measurement of the three pop-sickle sticks glued together)

4. Glue the cardboard piece beneath the sticks as shown above

5. Cut out 2x 4cm pieces of sticks and 2x 8cm pieces of sticks and glue beneath the cardboard as dimension and support frame for the legs of the table

6. Cut 8x matchsticks of length 3.5cm (adjust depending on height preferred)

7. Glue together 2x matchsticks for every leg of the table and then glue to the cardboard and frame

8. Paint the table using any colour of choice (acrylic paint), where white acrylic paint was used in this case and let it dry

Step 3: Making the Chairs

1. Cut 3x sticks of length 3cm for the base of the chair

2. Glue together the 3 pieces with PVA wood glue as shown above

3. Cut 2x Jumbo pop-sickle sticks of length 4cm and glue together side by side for the backrest

4. Glue the backrest frame to the base as shown above

5. Cut out cardboard pieces of length 3x3cm as a support frame and glue beneath the base

6. Use a sanding tool sand the backrest for a curved look

7. Cut 8x coffee stirrers of length 3cm

8. Glue together 2x coffee stirrers to form 1 leg of the chair and attach to the chair base and support frame

9. Repeat step 8 to form the 4 legs of the chair

10. Repeat the above steps x3 to make 3 more chairs, to make a total of x4 chairs around the table

11. Paint the chairs using white acrylic paint

Step 4: Making the Backrest Cover

1. Cut out 3cmx3cm sponge pieces

2. Cut out any fabric of choice a little bit wider than the chair backrest width and height

3. Hand sew the fabric around the backrest using thread and needle

4. Invert the sewn piece and fit around the backrest frame piece, also inserting the sponge piece in place

5. Wrap the fabric around the sponge to completely hide it and glue them together

6. Repeat for the remaining chairs

7. Add a table cloth if preferred by cutting a piece of fabric and gluing or pinning to the table

7. The table and chairs are now ready to place in a miniature ambience