Introduction: Minion Triple Single Rainbow Loom

About: Hello! I'm ADDOADDO! "cough cough" Sorry, I'm addoaddo! I am (sometimes) frequently posting. Hope you can like, comment, and subscribe! See ya!

Step 1: Gather Materials

All the materials are in the pic, including the clip.

Step 2: Set Loom Up

Red arrow points foward.

Step 3: Place Bands

Place bands as shown. The colors used are 9 blue and 1 black.

Step 4: Place MORE Bands

Place bands as shown. Colors used are 3 black and 3 yellow.

Step 5: Place EVEN MORE Bands

Place bands as shown. The colors used are 10 yellow, 2 white, 2 blue, and 1 black.

Step 6: Done With Half of Placement!

Well done, you have placed half of the bands!

Step 7: Turn Loom Around

Step 8: Place Bands

Place bands as shown. The colors used are 6 yellow and 1 black.

Step 9: Place MORE Bands

Place bands as shown. The color used is 5 blue.

Step 10: CONGRATS!!!

You have placed all bands needed! Keep some blue bands handy, as we will need them later.

Step 11: Looping!!!

Loop like a triple single. If you don't know what a triple single is, follow the pictures and go the whole row each time.

Step 12: YAY!!!

You have almost completed the minion!

Step 13: Add Cap Band

Follow the picture to add the cap band (has to be blue).

Step 14: TAKE IT OFF!

Go on, rip that sucker off, baby!

Step 15: What It Should Look Like

Step 16: Add Extension

Repeat these steps 5 more times.

Step 17: Extension Added

This is what it should look like.

Step 18: Add Clip

Step 19: YOUR DONE!!! XD

Bracelet Contest

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Bracelet Contest