Introduction: NAR Mods

About: Back 02/09/2012
I built the NAR, and modded it. The main mods I have made are to the forebarrel and grip area, and the stock. I liked the handle connection points, but the stock itself was too flimsy, even with the hinge inside the handle strengthener mod, so I encased it completely. The main goal was to encase, and add bendy rods to the back of the stock, and I that is what I did. I worked on the stock for about an hour, 40 minute build time (building my stock) and the other 20 minutes to perfect it, and this is what I have.
The forebarrel is much stronger, because I added an extra snowflake connector so the yellow rods can't slide around, and to the foregrip, I found it bit into my hand so I half snapped in red rods, to smoothen it over. It has a new trigger band placement, which is very simple, but still makes a good strong trigger pull, all I did was loop a #32 around the trigger, then around the front of the foregrip. I usually have 5 #64 bands on it, so it can punch through 4 layers of cardboard, and it gets 150ft with finned ammo. This is my primary, and the MeZak is my secondary. I might post, but you could probably build it from the pics. If you need help, I'll post another pic with a layer off it.
