Introduction: Need a Dresser? Get Used One...

About: I love to do anything creative. Whether writing or painting, I am very happy in a web of creativity.
The little ones (7 yo and almost 3 yo) are staying in the same room together. They needed a dresser for their clothes, so we found one dresser on Craigslist. It was in great shape and was only missing knobs. So, we took a trip to Home Depot and bought some big round wooden knobs for painting. And yes, the kids got to paint their own.

Step 1: Pick Colors to Match the Room

The kids are going to have orange and pink walls, so we decided to match the knobs to the colors.

We used acrylic paint, because it was handy, but I will say that if you want to paint the knobs in one coat, you need to put on a very thick coat. It would have been worked better with two.

Acrylic also dries quickly, so that works for kids too.

Step 2: My Own Special Touch

I promised them I would paint them each a special knob, and I did. One for her and one for the little man. They were surprised when they saw them, and they were so excited. It's a nice special touch for them.

Step 3: The Final Dresser

And here is the final dresser in complete pieces. I think it turned out great. We spent $20 in knobs, painted for about an hour and laughed while we did. It was the perfect weekend project.

About Author:

Miscelleana Rhinehart enjoys doing crafts with the kids while also sharing some news about NY Mazda Dealers.