Introduction: How to Complete an Acrylic Painting

About: I love to do anything creative. Whether writing or painting, I am very happy in a web of creativity.
I have talked about drawing before, so I thought I would share my other crafty endeavor: painting. Acrylic paint is my favorite kind, so that is the kind of painting I will share.You will need to purchase three things.

A canvass (Michaels sells them anywhere between $5 to $20 depending on the size. Some come in dual packs.)
Paint brushes (You can get a pack for the same price as the canvasses, depending on the quality you want.)
Acrylic Paint (I have bought bottles as cheap as $0.65, and the paint isn't bad at all.)

Everything else like a paint palate or a glass to rinse the brushes as you go are just pieces you can find around the house. No need to spend money on those pieces UNLESS you want to have a special one.

I am using one of my own paintings as an example. I painted this in 2011.

Step 1: Sketch on the Canvass

What do you want to paint? Look online through Google images or wherever your muse takes you and mind pictures and photographs of what you want to paint. Print them out and make sure you have paint colors for the color you see.

Sketch your idea onto your canvass. Keep in mind that these lines will be painted over very quickly, and you won't see them through the acrylic paint. So be careful to not spend hours drawing lines that you will don't see for very much longer. You just need a starting point.

Step 2: Painting With Acrylic

Paint. One layer at a time. One by one. For the flowers you can see from one image to the next just how I added each layer for color and then texture.

It's the same as coloring in a picture with colored pencil. One layer at a time.

Step 3: Finished

You’re done. Let everything dry, and if the need arises, go back and add more. The good thing about acrylic is that is dries the same no matter what, so the red yesterday, is the same red today.

So that’s it. Three steps. Of course each step is very involved, and may take days, weeks months, or years if you are one of those “forever immortalized” painters. Either way, have fun. That’s the best piece of advice I have.

About Author:

Miscelleana Rhinehart enjoys writing for Long Island Audi dealers and loves painting or writing for hours at a time.