Introduction: Network-Wide Ad Blocking With Your Raspberry Pi

Experience a cleaner, faster web and block annoying ads in your entire home network with Pi-hole and your Raspberry Pi.

Step 1: Equipment List

For your network-wide ad blocker you need the following equipment:


Step 2: Check for Updates

Type in this command to check for updates:

sudo apt-get update

Step 3: Installation and Configuration of the Pi-hole Software

  1. Execute the installer by typing this command
    curl -sSL | bash
  2. The first 2-3 windows are for information. Read the information and click on
  3. Choose an interface: If wlan0 is available, I recommend using it. If not, use eth0, or any other interface you would like to use. Select one by pressing and click afterwards
  4. Select an Upstream DNS Provider. To use your own, select Custom (I recommend using Googles DNS). Hit Enter if you selected the right one.
  5. Choose third party lists in order to block ads. You can use the suggestions below, and/or add your own after installation.
  6. Select Protocols (press space to select). I recommend using all available protocols.
  7. Set a static IP-Address: Click on if you want to use the current IP, or if you want to change the IP.
  8. Install the web admin interface by selecting (*) On
  9. In order to use the web interface, you need a webserver. If you don't have one installed, select (*) On
  10. Set logging settings (I recommend to log queries)
  11. Select a privacy mode for FTL (I recommend to show everything)
  12. Note the password and the IP-Address at the end of the setup

Step 4: Change the DNS of Your PC, Smartphone and Tablet

Always use the IP-Address of your Pi. It was displayed at the end of the Pi-hole setup, where the password was.

The web interface is available at http://[IP_OF_YOUR_PI]/admin

You can log in with admin as a username and the password you noted before.

That's it! You can now say goodbye to annoying ads in your whole network!