Introduction: New K'nex Magazine

About: Man... it's been long since I visited this site
Hello people! I hereby present you my new K'nex magazine. It is just a millimeter smaller than the oh so famous mag which is used on almost every replica, the con-white rod-con magazine. This magazine has the exact same bullet, is capable of shooting white rods and dark grey cons with green rods. So what is the improvement you ask? Well, you remember these magazines with huge mag pushers sticking out? As if you didn't noticed yet, they're not exactly 'realistic' Since these mags are too small to be pushed by a bendy. I developed this magazine with an internal pusher. The straight magazine can hold 13 bullets and more or less if you lenghten or shorten it. you can make it curved too, for looks. I NOW ASK YOU TO REPLACE YOUR REPLICA MAGAZINE WITH THIS. This was Knex'X. Buy this gun at ammonatiln today! (Sorry Beanieostrich)

Step 1: