Introduction: Orange Grapple (Orange, Grapefuit and Apple Mocktail)

About: I am 5 foot 1, I have blond hair and I am really thin!
This is a combination of oranges, grapefruits and apples blended with a fizzy surprize.

Step 1: You Will Need...


1 Orange

1 Grapefruit

1 Apple

3\4 Cup Sprite

2 Tablespoons Sugar

Step 2: Slice Her Up!

Slice up the fruits so they'll all fit in the blender. Dont forget to peel the oranges and grapefruits.

Step 3: SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

Add the sugar to make it a bit sweeter.

And three words...

Dont. Get. Hyper.

I got in trouble. Heeheehee

Step 4: Blend It 'till Its Mushy

Add the Sprite and blend it until its not lumpy anymore. And make sure the lid is on tight. I'm still wiping grapefruit of of my shirt.

Step 5:

Garnish and enjoy.

Thank you for your attention towards my instructable.

Cocktails vs. Mocktails Contest

Participated in the
Cocktails vs. Mocktails Contest

Homemade Holidays Food Contest

Participated in the
Homemade Holidays Food Contest