Introduction: Origami Black Hole

About: A fellow hobbyist venturing into creative ideas

This is an origami Black hole as inspired from Richard Sweeney, Black Hole, 2010. Watercolour paper. . We can see the two sides of the black hole as according to Physics, there is a narrow path from one side to another. One can see a movie and get inspired to create a black hole as seen in the film or read about it and be able to present it.



  1. Printing paper (A4 sheet)
  2. A pair of Scissors (for kids, parent help is necessary)
  3. Printer.
  4. Glue (to stick both ends of paper together)

Step 1: Print the Reference Sheet

Print the reference sheet as attached. It contains 4 pieces of black hole which would result in 4 black holes, if required, reduce the images to print as many as required.

The reference image is attached as well, in order to create multiple versions of this model.

Step 2: Create Folds Along the Lines.

There are two types of folds: mountain folds and valley folds.

Mountain folds: When looking down at the model, if a crease pops out towards the creator, then it is called as the mountain fold, similar to a mountain popping out.

Valley Folds: Opposite of a mountain fold. Looking down at the model, the crease pops inwards and one sees a valley in between two mountains.

Fold the Curved Black lines in mountain folds.

Fold the Purple vertical and horizontal lines as valley folds.

Step 3: Glue the Two Ends

Glue the two ends of the model such that the printed pattern lies inside the model, it should not be visible to the creator.

Step 4: Fold All the Creases Again

After gluing, it should be a cylindrical shape.

Now, re-crease the folds as per instructions in Step 2.

A shape should start to form as per the title image.

Stretch the outer umbrella-shape such that it extends just like a black hole and tightens.

Do this for both ends of the black hole.

Step 5: Finish

And the model is ready . Enter the black hole physics and do some time travel now!