Introduction: Pandahall Tutorial on How to Make Crystal Glass Bead and Seed Bead Bracelets
In this Pandahall tutorial, you can see a crystal glass bead and seed bead bracelet. Hope you like the crystal glass bead bracelet.
Step 1: Materials and Tools Needed in DIY the Crystal Glass Bead Bracelet:
6mm Clear Bicone Glass Beads
4mm Clear Bicone Glass Beads
2mm White Round Seed Beads
3mm White Round Pearl Beads
Platinum Spring End Clasps
Silver Jump Rings
0.2mm White Fishing Wire
Stainless-Steel Scissor
Step 2: Make the First Part of the Crystal Glass Bead Bracelet
1st, cut about 180cm 0.2mm white fishing wire. Then, thread a platinum spring end clasp to the middle of it. Then, thread 4 2mm white seed beads to the nether wire and 5 2mm white seed beads to the upper wire (as shown in the picture);
2nd, make some knots with the two wires and cut off one wire (as shown in the picture);
3rd, thread 4 2mm white seed beads, a 6mm clear bicone glass bead, a 4mm clear bicone glass bead, a 3mm white round pearl bead, a 4mm clear bicone glass bead, a 6mm clear bicone glass bead and 4 2mm white seed beads (as shown in the picture);4th, cross the wire through the middle 3mm white round pearl bead (as shown in the picture).
Step 3: Make the Second Part of the Crystal Glass Bead Bracelet
1st, thread 7 2mm white seed beads (as shown in the picture);
2nd, cross the wire through the left 6 2mm white seed beads added just now and the middle 3mm white pearl bead in sequence (as shown in the picture);
3rd, add 7 white seed beads to the wire. Then, cross the wire through the 6 2mm white seed beads added just now, the middle 3mm white pearl bead and the white seed bead beside the white pearl bead (as shown in the picture);
4th, add a 4mm clear bicone glass bead and a 6mm clear bicone glass bead to the wire. Then, cross the wire through the top white seed bead as shown in the picture);
5th, add a 4mm clear bicone glass bead, a 3mm white pearl bead and a 4mm clear bicone glass bead. Then, cross the wire through the bottom seed bead as shown in the picture);
6th, add a 6mm clear bicone glass bead and a 4mm clear bicone glass bead in sequence to the wire. Then, cross the wire through the seed beads, white pearl beads and glass bead (as shown in the picture).
Step 4: Make the Rest Part of the Crystal Glass Bead Bracelet
1st, refer to the 1st step to the 3rd step in Step 2 to add 7 white seed beads on the two sides of the middle white pearl bead respectively (as shown in the picture);
2nd, refer to the above steps to make more such bead patterns (as shown in the picture);
3rd, add about 9 white seed beads. Then, add a silver jump ring (as shown in the picture);
4th, make a hoop with the 9 white seed beads by crossing the wire through the middle white pearl bead and the white seed beads(as shown in the picture).
Step 5: Here Is the Final Look of the Crystal Glass Bead and Seed Bead Bracelet.
The bling glass beads make this crystal glass bead and seed bead bracelet eye-catching. The beading techniques are easy to grasp. If you're interested in this crystal glass bead bracelet, just give it a try by yourself!